About Shanna's Creations

Hey there! I'm Shanna, a nature-loving, queer digital artist based in Salt Lake City, Utah! For my day job, I make coffee at a charming local coffee shop. When I’m not there, I'm busy creating art that makes me happy!

While I love making coffee, I one day hope to do art full time. My biggest dream is to own and restore an old Victorian style home nestled in a quiet neighborhood lined with tall trees. I envision myself spending my days with the people (and cats!💖) I love most, creating things that make others smile!

In my free time I love to play video games, watch animated shows, eat yummy food, put together pretty outfits, go to unique events, and explore new places. If I could go anywhere in the world, it would for sure be Japan! 

I am also a huge animal lover and spend lots of time with my four cats: Dipper, Muffin, Pumpkin, and Boo. One day I would like to have chickens and a fluffy bunny!

Thank you for supporting me and my small business! Every time you make a purchase or share my work, I get closer to the dream I’ve been working towards. I am grateful to every person that ever said a kind word to me about my art. You guys have given me the confidence to pursue my dreams. I appreciate you all so much! 💖